Belum Caves, nestled in the heart of Andhra Pradesh, India, is a mesmerizing underground wonder waiting to be explored. This intricate network of caverns, passageways, and natural formations offers an unforgettable journey into the subterranean world. In this article, we’ll guide you through the details of Belum Caves, helping you prepare for a remarkable adventure.

Getting to Belum Caves

  1. Starting Point: Gandikota
    The nearest major destination to Belum Caves is Gandikota, famous for its stunning canyon. Your journey begins here.
  2. Heading to Belum Caves
    Belum Caves are approximately 60 kilometers (37 miles) away from Gandikota. The drive is a scenic one through the rocky terrain of Andhra Pradesh.

Exploring Belum Caves

  1. Belum Caves – A Geological Marvel
    Belum Caves are the second-longest cave system in the Indian subcontinent. They are known for their unique limestone formations, stalactites, and stalagmites, creating a surreal underground landscape.
  2. Navigating Belum Caves
    Upon reaching the caves, you’ll find well-lit pathways and informative signage to guide you through the labyrinth. These pathways make it easy to explore the cave’s chambers, formations, and chambers.

The Significance of Belum Caves: Nature’s Underground Masterpiece

a geological masterpiece hidden beneath the surface of Andhra Pradesh, holds profound significance for both nature enthusiasts and cultural explorers. Let’s delve into the various aspects that make Belum Caves so significant:

Belum Caves

Belum Caves

  1. Geological Marvel:

are celebrated for their remarkable limestone formations, making them a geologist’s dream. The caves showcase stunning stalactites and stalagmites, created over thousands of years by the slow drip of mineral-rich water. These unique formations provide valuable insights into the Earth’s geological history.

  1. Historical and Religious Importance:

Within the caverns, you’ll discover a colossal Buddha statue. This religious relic reflects the historical and cultural relevance of Belum Caves. The site is known to have been a centre for Buddhist and Jain monks who sought solace and shelter in the cave’s cool and tranquil environment.

  1. Cultural Significance:

The Simhadwaram, or Lion’s Gate, at the entrance to is an iconic feature that holds cultural and historical significance. It serves as a landmark and an artistic representation of the caves’ connection to local folklore and legends.

  1. Biodiversity:

Despite its subterranean location, are home to a unique ecosystem. The cool, dark chambers provide refuge to a variety of cave-dwelling creatures, including bats and insects. The presence of these species adds to the biodiversity of the region.

  1. Tourism and Education:

draw visitors from across the country and around the world. It serves as an educational site, teaching people about the wonders of the natural world, the significance of preserving geological heritage, and the importance of cave conservation.

  1. Awe-Inspiring Formations:

The cave’s surreal formations, such as the Thousand Hoods and the Meditation Hall, are nothing short of awe-inspiring. These structures leave a lasting impression on visitors, showcasing the power of natural forces and the beauty they create.

  1. Eco-Tourism and Recreation:

Beyond its geological and cultural significance, have become an eco-tourism hub. Visitors have the opportunity to explore nature’s wonders and indulge in recreational activities such as cave exploration, photography, and adventure.

Discovering Belum Caves’ Natural Beauty

  1. Remarkable Formations
    feature awe-inspiring formations, including the Thousand Hoods and the Meditation Hall. The caverns are adorned with surreal structures formed over millions of years.
  2. The Simhadwaram – Lion’s Gate
    The entrance to the caves is marked by the Simhadwaram, a massive natural arch that resembles a lion’s head. It’s an iconic spot for photographs.
  3. Buddha Statue
    Inside the caves, you’ll come across a magnificent Buddha statue. The caves have historical and religious significance, and this statue is a testament to their cultural importance.

Precautions for Your Visit

  1. Guided Tours
    It’s advisable to take a guided tour . Knowledgeable guides can provide insights into the geology, history, and folklore associated with the caves.
  2. Comfortable Clothing
    Wear comfortable and light clothing suitable for a subterranean adventure. The caves’ temperature remains relatively cool, so a light jacket may be useful.
  3. Footwear
    Choose comfortable, rubber-soled shoes with good grip. The cave floor can be slippery in some areas.
  4. Carry Essentials
    Bring a small backpack with essentials like water, a hat, and a camera to capture the cave’s mesmerizing beauty.

geological wonder, where you can journey deep underground to explore stunning formations, learn about the region’s history, and immerse yourself in a unique natural environment. hold multi-faceted significance. They serve as a testament to Earth’s geological history, a site of historical and cultural value, an educational resource, and a place of natural beauty and recreation. Exploring these caves isn’t just an adventure; it’s a journey through time, nature, and culture, offering a profound and enriching experience. I hope this guide helps you navigate your way through this incredible destination, Grandma, and that you cherish every moment of your subterranean adventure

Exploring the Enigmatic Kurnool Caves in Maharashtra


  • Where are Belum Caves located?

situated in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. They are approximately 60 kilometers (37 miles) away from the town of Gandikota, known for its stunning canyon.

  • What makes Belum Caves significant?

are renowned for their geological marvel, with unique limestone formations, stalactites, and stalagmites. They also hold historical and cultural importance, with a colossal Buddha statue and an iconic Lion’s Gate at the entrance.

  • How can I get to Belum Caves from Gandikota?

From Gandikota, you can reach Belum Caves by driving approximately 60 kilometers (37 miles) to the south. The journey offers picturesque views of Andhra Pradesh’s rocky terrain.

  • Are there entrance fees to visit Belum Caves?

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, there were nominal entrance fees for visiting Belum Caves. However, fees can change, so it’s advisable to check the latest information before your visit.

  • What can I expect to see and explore at Belum Caves?

At Belum Caves, you can explore stunning limestone formations, stalactites, and stalagmites. The site also houses a colossal Buddha statue and iconic features like the Lion’s Gate. The caves offer a unique underground adventure.

  • Are guided tours available at Belum Caves?

Yes, guided tours are typically available at Belum Caves. These tours are led by knowledgeable guides who can provide insights into the geological history, cultural significance, and folklore associated with the caves.



  • What precautions should I take during my visit to Belum Caves?

When visiting consider the following precautions:

  • Wear comfortable clothing suitable for an underground adventure.
  • Choose comfortable shoes with good grip, as the cave floor can be slippery in some areas.
  • Bring essentials like water, a light jacket, sunscreen, and a camera for capturing the cave’s beauty.